Chemical peels

3 Types of Chemical Peels for Skin Renewal

If you’re looking for a non-invasive treatment that can provide you with smoother, more even-looking skin, you may be interested in learning more about getting a chemical peel. At Lasky Skin Center, our team is here to meet all of your cosmetic skin care needs. Here, we’ll take a look at the three different levels of chemical peels.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Peel

This is the most gentle type of chemical peel. This peel may be applied weekly or may be mixed with other skincare products and used daily. The total treatment time for an AHA peel is about ten minutes, and you won’t need to use any ointments or coverings following your treatment. AHA peels can brighten your skin and create a smooth, even look.

Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peel

This type of peel is a step up from AHA and can be used to treat pigment issues and fine wrinkles. Some people use TCA peels in tandem with AHA peels. Your treatment will take between 10 and 15 minutes, and you’ll need to exercise some caution with your skin in the days following your peel.

Phenol Peel

As the strongest type of chemical peel, a phenol peel can lighten skin, treat precancerous growths, and erase deep wrinkles. Phenol peels can also help with a number of skin concerns, including acne scars and coarse wrinkles. This type of treatment takes between one and two hours and requires a few months of special care during the recovery period.

Which Type of Chemical Peel Is Right for Me?

At Lasky Skin Center, when you come into our office for your personal consultation, our team will work with you to assess your skin care needs and talk with you about whether a chemical peel is the right choice for your skin goals. We’ll also chat with you about which level of chemical peel makes the most sense for your needs. We encourage you to ask questions—it’s important to us that you feel comfortable throughout every step of your treatment.

Schedule a Chemical Peel Consultation at Lasky Skin Center

At Lasky Skin Center, our Beverly Hills, CA team is here to help you look and feel your best. Whether you’re interested in chemical peels, dermal fillers, or other cosmetic skin care treatments, we’ve got you covered. Click here to book an appointment or contact us directly at (310) 556-0119—we look forward to getting to know you!

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