Woman Eye with Long Eyelash Extension

What Happens When You Stop Using Latisse?

When you stop using Latisse, the growth of your lashes stops. Beauty is the eye of the beholder, quite literally in the case of Latisse. Think of Latisse as a genetic booster to the growth of eyelashes. Since you are using Latisse for your eyelashes, it goes without saying; that you are having a hard time getting them to grow fast.

In as much as most people who have used Latisse are boosting their eyelashes length by 25% and thickness by 106%, it is only temporary once you scale down the rate you use. This fact may discourage you from using Latisse, especially if you plan to use it long-term. Nonetheless, Latisse has proven to be a much better alternative to other cosmetic procedures, such as wearing synthetic eyelashes, which can be time-consuming while putting them on.

Latisse can help you grow beautiful eyelashes that are thicker, darker, and longer. Before you use Latisse, ensure that you get a prescription from your doctor. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved using brushes on substances to grow eyelashes. This process is also known as hypotrichosis.

It is recommended you should apply Latisse to your lashes at least once a day. The product is only used on your top lashes. There is close to minimal or no significant effect of applying Latisse on the lower eyelashes.

To notice optimal results, you need to know how to apply Latisse. The fact is that brushes provided for the application of Latisse help prevent unwanted bacteria from affecting your eye. It is also essential to ensure that your face is free of makeup or any other product. If you want to moisturize your eye, do it for about 15min before applying Latisse. It may seem reasonable to compensate for the missed dose if you ever miss a dose. However, that is not the case; continue applying it as you did (once a day).

If you need a professional to talk to about using Latisse for your eyelashes, consider Lasky Skin Center in Beverly Hills, California. We offer several services, including skin rejuvenation, wrinkle relaxers, cosmetic fillers, and skin care and Latisse. Visit our website or call us on tel (310) 556-0119.

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